Sunday, March 20, 2011

DIY awesome

I am so going to make these whenever I have time.  (Which seems, at this rate, like it's going to be summer time).  They're just glass jars, some glass paint, and some gold puff paint.  How cool is that? I have always been in love with moroccan decor ever since I first started watching HGTV with my momma. (Which was like, in 4th grade.  I've loved decorating and interior design ever since). They would be a good addition to our humble abode in LAUP.  (I am staying in an unfurnished apartment in inner-city Los Angeles with five other students for six weeks and I have a feeling we'll be needing something pretty to look at to keep our stress levels down. Or at least I do.  I admit that my personality sucks when I'm stressed).  

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