Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


my hair, that is.  I've gotten plenty of compliments on my semi-auburn locks which are now very root-acious right about now.  Naturally, my hair is a very dark brown with subtle reddish highlights.  However, they only made their appearance when I was in very bright sun which bothered me.   I wanted them to be perpetually there especially because I felt that my hair fell flat and boring in regular lighting.  So I, once afraid to ruin my long virgin locks, said, "Screw it." And I bought a box of $10 hair dye. The truth is in the compliments. I will once again be dying my hair in "Light Auburn" by Clairol's Perfect 10.  (Best hair color ever, by the way).  I am so glad I got over my fear of screwing with my hair.  I got so gutsy, I even cut it myself now.  AND I get compliments on my cut too.  Thank you internet! You have enabled me to become my own personal cosmetologist.  It's a lot of fun and I don't have to worry about  scissor happy hair lady.

I have decided that Scarlett Johanssen has the perfect shade of red.  I want it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Where are you fall? Why can't I find you?

I'm near LA which hit an all-time heat record yesterday. I would honestly wear nothing if I were comfortable enough with my own body. But alas, I am wearing semi-modest skirts and tank-tops even though I'd rather be naked. Curse society and its rigid rules!

I wish this were me 

image via here

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Everything about this song is amazing. The sound, the lyrics, the musician. His moves are off the chain. On a randomly related note, this makes me wanna go read some Oscar Wilde.  Honestly, he seemed like a really nice man. . . . with questionable principles. How is this related to Julian Casablancas?  His album was inspired by Oscar Wilde's essay lengthily titled "Phrases and Philosophies for the Use of the Young."  Say that five times fast. I swear, every time I watch this video I catch something new. That's what I like - layers - and people who break through today's vacuosities. I think I just made up that word. But I like it and it gets to stay.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Keats and Yeats are on your side. . . .

I've been thinking a lot about this poem. . . I don't know why.  Once in a while, it'll just pop into my head like a song normally would.  Maybe because I've been thinking about the pursuit of beauty and its futility.  Even the aesthetes found the aesthetic fleeting.  It's still a beautiful poem.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm dressing up for this one.

Bellatrix Lestrange, baby! (Well, that's the only person my brown latina self can pull off, really. . . or maybe Parvati. . . Sirius Black?. . . ooooo! Rowena Ravenclaw!) 

Mexican Hot Chocolate

Mexican Hot Chocolate

It's like the best effing thing to ever occur in human history. I ain't talking 'bout no Abuelita stuff.  I for the life of me can't get that shiz to taste good and have always pretended to like it at family functions and, generally, just hispanic social gatherings. Nooo, I'm talking about the real deal. The cat's meow; the bees effing knees. Now, I can't point out a specific brand. (Mainly, because all the instant brands here in Cali are just. . . bleh. . . ) But every once in a while there's a little restaurant here or in Tijuana that makes it so. . . it just blows your mind. It. blows. your. mind.   Why am I writing so passionately about hot chocolate from Mexico? Because I really want sommmeee! I'm sick like nobody's business and I feel like the only prescription is Mexican Hot Chocolate.  Maybe if I rub my cup of Theraflu, a genie will materialize and transubstantiate my gross medicinal concoction into cacao and cinnamon laced bliss.  To torture myself even further, I found the best Mexican Hot Chocolate photos I could find on the interwebs.  I'm kind of ok now because my friend brought me some orange juice.  It's funny how my moods change.

images via  here, here, here and here

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It Happened One Night

My favorite classic movie by far! For 1934, I just love how natural this movie is. I tire of the stuffiness and overacting found in some classic movies. Transatlantic accent anyone? Erm, pass.   Compared to today's movies, this one was actually considered pretty racy.  I laugh because now it would be rated PG and safe for the whole family.  Though, for its time, I understand why it would have caused a scandal. Married woman traveling alone with a handsome stranger and falling in love with said stranger.  Heck, if I were within 10 feet of Clark Gable back in the day, I'd fall in love too. It's impossible not to be terribly endeared by Claudette Colbert and definitely impossible not to swoon over Clark Gable.  Gah, what a classy hunk. I'm definitely having a Clark Gable movie marathon this weekend.

images via herehere , here , and here

Monday, September 20, 2010

Truths by Roald Dahl

I've been so busy lately, it's hard to let those good thoughts slip away and give in to the more self-serving (aka selfish) ones. I need to work harder at being lovelier and get my priorities straight.

image via here

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Warm Fuscia wall - Greece
Kefalonia, Greece! Enjoy...
Dog Days of Summer :: Oia, Santorini, Greece

So, I'm only a few weeks into school, but I am SO longing for a Greek vacation right now.  I've always wanted to go. All the travel shows I've watched about it titillate my senses.  (I use the word titillate any chance I can, by the way.)  Those white-washed walls, cerulean oceans, blue roof tops, and that ancient architecture. . . . someone needs to get me an all-expense paid vacation to Greece STAT! I think I've figured out a solution - I'll just get a rich Greek boyfriend a la Paris Hilton.  There. Problem solved.

Les bons hommes du Radiohead are helping me through the tedious task of re-reading a ridiculously convoluted paper on Baudelaire. Woe is me. The first words to my short response: "To be honest, I had a really hard time understanding this article and was confused as to what exactly Johnson's point was at times." Just shows you how clever I am. Yes, sarcasm was intended.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Doctor Quien

It's such a torturous wait for the next season. I miss Matt Smith, Rory, and Amy goshdarnit! I need them back to comfort me while I'm dealing with this cruel world.  I'm one of those American fan girls that only just converted into "Whovianism" or whatnot mainly because I think Matt Smith is insanely adorable.  In my defense, however, I had heard about "Doctor Who" loooooong before the 11th Doctor, but didn't know where to start with a show that has, I don't know, 30 something seasons of history behind it.  Plus, I've always found David Tennant creepy, so sue me.
My inexperience aside, I think Matt Smith is an amazing Doctor.  He's got the right blend of quirky charm, nerdiness, and awesome and Amy the right mix of feisty, likability, and attitude. They're perfect! Oh and Rory! Dearest Rory! He turned my heart to mush when he stood guard at the Pandorica for thousands of years to protect his love.  I need to re-watch this season over again. It's going to happen before the Christmas special.
image via here

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Love Song to Beat Them All

*Warning* Risqué video. Only for those comfortable with sensuality.

Combining the amazingly unique voices of Siouxsie and Morrissey. . . pure genius! I love this song.  Makes me have nostalgia for nonexistent loves. I think this fan-made video suits the song very well. Très sexy ;) . . . well as sexy as you can get with a story about the last woman hung in Britain.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Space Jewelery

I was browsing through Kingdom of Style (by the way, I find Queen Michelle and Queen Marie to be so endearing. They seem like some genuinely sweet <and edgy!> ladies) and I saw these necklaces by Drown and I instantly fell in love.  Adorning your body with the visually stunning wonders of the universe - I wish I had thought of it!

 images via here
Even though I'm posting about adorning your exterior, it's always important to take care of the interior.  I stumbled upon this video today about a girl my age with a rare disease that doesn't allow her to gain weight and it really put a lot of things into perspective for me.  She's truly inspiring and a testament as to what can be achieved, even when the odds are against you.  Although all of us don't look like the models above and there are some of us that sometimes feel limited by our looks, we have life and that, in and of itself, is an amazing thing. God knows about my issues with body image and the concept of beauty as I was growing up.  Thankfully, I have grown in wisdom in that area, even though there are still moments when my old insecurities surface. We are all walking souls and one day, our outer shell will no longer exist.  What do you look like underneath?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I love: Carla Bruni!


She may be a homewrecker, but she's also a brilliant musician. I love her! She's beautiful, talented, and artistic.  It's no wonder so many men have fallen head over heels for her.  (Including a father and son. . . awkward turtle 'O, ) I could get lost in her voice.

Some of my favorite songs:

Made famous by  500 Days of Summer

Probably one of the sweetest, sweetest songs ever written

Even though the person that wrote the poem that Carla's singing is one of the most depressing and depressed persons in the Western Hemisphere, I really think she did a great job with it.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Morning Wake Up Song bitter edition

Yeah, so worrying about how my anthropology class was gonna turn out translated into no sleep. My level of rest directly correlates with my mood. So today's morning wake up song is:

When things don't go your way

I'm starting my Applied Anthropology on a bad note.  I missed something on the syllabus so I guess I'll be turning in some work late.  Well, what can I do? The damage is done.  All I can do is e-mail my professor and hope for the best.  Here's to better luck next time.  Night time is for sleeping, so I guess that's what I'll do. 
image via here

Sunday, September 5, 2010

How to: Deal with Little Sisters

Little sisters go through stages. Well, human beings go through the same stages, but watching someone grow up changes the story.  I didn't realize that the littlest one would grow up and become cognizant of the world around her.  I thought she was gonna be little and cute forever! But alas, she is a petite woman now with opinions of her own. Pre-teen years.  Kids are growing up so fast these days.  My sister's friends have boyfriends and talk about things they shouldn't.  They're 11 for crying out loud! And now kids are getting pregnant at 12.   Make me wanna holler, for real.  The littlest one is going through so many things.  I admit her early childhood was a bust for many reasons.  One of them being that she endured constant teasing from her two older sisters.  Of course, as we are older now too, we see the error of our ways, but we're reaping what we sowed.  The little one is so sad all the time.  She's being bullied at school; she's unhappy with her family life; she feels her opinions don't matter.  It just grieves me that she feels so unhappy, that she feels she doesn't matter.  I'm sure every kid goes through a bout of depression - when they realize the world isn't all roses and rainbows, but a difficult place where injustice runs rampant. My sister, I think, is just going through hers early. She's always been so smart for her age. Well, the only thing I can do is tell her that I love her every day, spend as much time with her as I can,  be as understanding as I can, and encourage her in whatever she chooses to do. And I hope one day she'll realize that she has nothing to be sad about as she can do anything, be anything, that she wants to be and we'll all be there to support her.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Boot Heaven

Boot Heaven

Jil Sander Buckle-detailed flat leather boots, $995
Peter Over the Knee Riding Boot, $198
IS Photography - Under the Tuscan sky, $30

I saw boots very similar to these at Ross the other day. . . obviously MUCH cheaper than the ones shown here. The brown ones were $50 and the black ones were $30.  Of course, if this were a magazine, those boots would be listed as a bargain, but to me, $50 anything is a major purchase. Maybe I'll get lucky at the thrift store. Oh, I wish I could put these on lay-away and save up. They're so cute.  Yeah, yeah, I posted an anti-consumerist post earlier, but a pair of good, cute boots are an amazing investment. Just think of all the possibilities. . . .

I HAD to post this

Morning Wake Up Song Part Deux

Today's wake up song is a little more mellow (at least in the beginning). . . but I just woke up from a really sobering dream and I think a really upbeat song would just be too much of a shock for my system right now. It'll be a multi-step wake-up process today. MGMT's Flash Delirium will be my first stepping stone. Jimmy Eat World's Sweetness should finish the job.

Anyone see that video as a metaphor for creation. . . talking serpent/eel thing. . . weird anus machine. . . life sprung from said machine? . . . No? I think it's just because I have to tie everything to the Bible.  I find both members of MGMT so cute. I just wanna pinch their cheeks and put 'em in my pocket.

God, I've loved this song since like the 5th grade. When you're having a down day, try popping it into your car stereo full volume when you're driving around. Try it. It's an amazing experience.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Morning Wake Up Song

Equation for unsleepiness: New Order + dancing around spastically in your room whilst by yourself = better than a cup of coffee

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I love simple. Simple is good. You own less, you worry less, you slave over unneeded things less, but you enjoy LIFE more.  One of the things I learned at the legal center where I volunteered this summer is the less you own the happier you are, the simpler things are. And the less of a bitch it is to separate property once you wanna get divorced.  I would help people begin or continue their divorce proceedings and let me tell you, the less property they had, the happier I was.  We breezed through the Schedule of Assets and Debts like sailboats on a windy day.  It was only when they had vacation homes in Florida, foreign bank accounts, thousands of dollars of credit card debt that we ran into the iceberg. It honestly felt like the stuff they had owned them and not the other way around.
I feel like we're just drowning in our own consumerism. Greed led to recession - the desire to have more and more even if it meant living beyond our means, taking up loans we couldn't pay off and accepting promises that couldn't be paid back.  Countries and people around the world are exploited because people want more stuff to forget about in the garage.  Everyday commercials constantly try to burrow themselves into our minds and plant seeds of desire for things we don't really need.  I would honestly call it lust. Just like the phrase: sex sells.  I fall prey to it more times than I can count.  I find myself subconsciously yearning for makeup, clothes, and gadgets in the hopes that they will make my life more exciting, easier, and happier. Erm, no. It never works out that way. I end up losing that new lipgloss anyway.
I've been trying to practice simplicity by fitting all my shiz into one box as I move in to my dorm. And it's honestly very freeing. Last year I would transplant practically my entire room from home to its new destination fearing I wouldn't have something when I would need it.  Moving in stressed me the heck out. But this time, it was a whole different experience. It took only one trip up the stairs and 20 minutes of unpacking and arranging to officially move in. I feel my room still looks cozy and I have everything I need. I love it.
Now it's time for me to tap into my hypocritical half of my bipolar self.  I went thrifting today! I bought 2 new dresses and a skirt all together for under $4, baby.  The dresses are bangin' and the skirt is cute and flow-y.  I wish I could post up pictures but alas I have no camera. . . yet.  Just because I wanna keep it simple, don't mean I can't look cute. Pictures coming soon!
image via here

I love Toupoutous!

I love the "Avez-vous déjà vu?" cartoons.  Even if you don't speak French (which I hardly do), they're hilarious! They're basically little French cartoons that give you an impossible scenario and ask you if you've seen it.

~ Like this one which asks: Have you ever seen. . . a newcomer in the land of Toupoutous?

These particular Toupoutous evoke the racist bigots in this country (I'm addressing you, Teapartyers) and just racist bigots in general. . . in a hilarious way of course. Humor always makes a statement that goes down easy. They should show this at the next Tea Party gathering.

~ Have you ever seen . . . the most imperfect crime? I think this one is by far my favorite one.

Rough Translation:
Old lady : Ah! No! My nephew who is going to inherit my collection of cameras!
Murderer: Ay! Oh, shit.
Dispatcher: You've called the police. Hello? Hello?
TV: Help! Murder! Police! Come! I'm going to get killed!
Dispatcher: Hold on! I'll send a car!
Cop: What's happening here? . . . Mom!
Old lady: It's him.
Murderer: No! It's not me! I have an alibi! I was at the movies!