Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I love simple. Simple is good. You own less, you worry less, you slave over unneeded things less, but you enjoy LIFE more.  One of the things I learned at the legal center where I volunteered this summer is the less you own the happier you are, the simpler things are. And the less of a bitch it is to separate property once you wanna get divorced.  I would help people begin or continue their divorce proceedings and let me tell you, the less property they had, the happier I was.  We breezed through the Schedule of Assets and Debts like sailboats on a windy day.  It was only when they had vacation homes in Florida, foreign bank accounts, thousands of dollars of credit card debt that we ran into the iceberg. It honestly felt like the stuff they had owned them and not the other way around.
I feel like we're just drowning in our own consumerism. Greed led to recession - the desire to have more and more even if it meant living beyond our means, taking up loans we couldn't pay off and accepting promises that couldn't be paid back.  Countries and people around the world are exploited because people want more stuff to forget about in the garage.  Everyday commercials constantly try to burrow themselves into our minds and plant seeds of desire for things we don't really need.  I would honestly call it lust. Just like the phrase: sex sells.  I fall prey to it more times than I can count.  I find myself subconsciously yearning for makeup, clothes, and gadgets in the hopes that they will make my life more exciting, easier, and happier. Erm, no. It never works out that way. I end up losing that new lipgloss anyway.
I've been trying to practice simplicity by fitting all my shiz into one box as I move in to my dorm. And it's honestly very freeing. Last year I would transplant practically my entire room from home to its new destination fearing I wouldn't have something when I would need it.  Moving in stressed me the heck out. But this time, it was a whole different experience. It took only one trip up the stairs and 20 minutes of unpacking and arranging to officially move in. I feel my room still looks cozy and I have everything I need. I love it.
Now it's time for me to tap into my hypocritical half of my bipolar self.  I went thrifting today! I bought 2 new dresses and a skirt all together for under $4, baby.  The dresses are bangin' and the skirt is cute and flow-y.  I wish I could post up pictures but alas I have no camera. . . yet.  Just because I wanna keep it simple, don't mean I can't look cute. Pictures coming soon!
image via here

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